MEIC dataset

Latest Version >

The MEIC model contains anthropogenic emissions of ten air pollutants and greenhouse gases from 1990 to 2015 for mainland China. The latest version is 1.2, released in February 2015.

Updated History >

Main updates in v1.2 compared with v1.0 :
1. Update to 2015;
2. Introduce unit-based operation hours for power plants;
3. Update technology distributions of industrial boilers;
4. Update control technology distributions of ferrous and non-ferrous industries;
5. Fix errors in the activity data of paint uses, chemical production and livestock;
6. Update sulphur content of residential coal;
7. Update the emission factors of power plants, industrial boilers and solvent utilization according to latest measured data; update CO2 emission factors of coal using year-to-year variations in calorific value.

February 2015, update to v1.2.
June 2012, release v1.0.

Online Data >

It is free to download following data on-line now: emissions data in years of 2008, 2010, and 2012 for version 1.2 and emissions data in years of 2008 and 2010 for version 1.0, including provincial and gridded data summarized in five sectors: power, industry, residential, transportation and agriculture. Monthly gridded emissions are provided with 1/4, 1/2, and 1 degree resolutions. NMVOC emissions are lumped into five mechanisms: SAPRC99, SAPRC07, CB05, CBIV and RADM2.

Customized Data >

The MEIC model provides customized emission products. Users can easily customize data in different resolutions, scales, pollutants, sources, years, and air quality models. The latest MEIC provides model-ready data which is compatible to many air quality models, such as NAQPMS, CMAQ, WRF-Chem, and CAMx. We also provide interfaces to couple with local emission inventories. Please contact us by email, if you have any questions or comments and if you would like to know more information of MEIC.